Aeromaster Humus Test on Plant Growth

Posted by Midwest Bio Systems on Wed, Jan 15, 2014 @ 12:01 PM

We recently did a test growing Arugula using soil with Aeromaster humus added vs. regular soil. Check out the results.

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Tags: soil fertility, humus compost, aeromaster humus, nutrient management

Composting Dairy Waste Eases Restrictive Nutrient Management Program

Posted by Midwest Bio Systems on Fri, Dec 28, 2012 @ 12:12 PM

As farms get larger, and the concern over nitrates in the water supply grows, the regulations surrounding manure applications are becoming more restrictive.

Mark Webb, a dairy farmer in Idaho, runs a 1,800 cow dairy. Like many large animal operations, Mark's dairy is subject to state nutrient regulation that dictates how much manure and dairy waste he is allowed to apply to his fields annually. “We have to report all of our manure that goes onto the field and along with that you have to do soil testing to make sure you stay within the guidelines which are 40 parts per million (ppm) of nitrogen on the field,” he explained.

Because there is a limit to how much manure he can apply to any one field, these regulations are costly for Webb. He had a lot of time and capitol tied up in transporting and spreading manure, in an increasingly large radius surrounding his dairy. But that was before he discovered composting. By creating an on-farm composting program Webb found a solution to efficiently deal with his manure without exceeding the nitrate limits set by his nutrient management plan.

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Tags: soil fertility, sustainable farming, dairy industry, nutrient management