The Hidden Profit Center on Your Farm

Posted by Midwest Bio Systems on Mon, Apr 16, 2012 @ 17:04 PM


On-farm CompostingHow would you like to find a new way to make money? Imagine using something you are already doing to create more profits, and how about being able to help others at the same time?

Where we live, a lot of people are pretty enthusiastic about how much better organically grown produce tastes. Organic farming is a hot topic. There are a lot more sustainable farmer’s markets popping up.  Let’s face it; Whole Foods certainly isn’t hurting for sales even while charging much higher prices than the local supermarket.

You might like the idea of organically grown food, or you may think it is just a passing fad. It doesn’t really matter what your opinion is, because one thing is for sure. Creating humus compost can put more money in your pocket.

Using humus compost reduces your need for fertilizers and pesticides while boosting your crop yields. That’s a good thing and pumps more profit into your bottom line. But here is the real money-making secret. Creating and selling humus compost is the goldmine you didn’t know you had.

There are compelling reasons for people to purchase humus from you:
• It saves them money in fertilizer costs
• Crop yields are boosted
• Soil structure is increased
• Water retention is significantly improved, reducing the need for irrigation
• It is environmentally sustainable
• Your buyers increase their profits

If you are wondering who to sell it to, here is how to get started creating profits that flow right into your pocket:
• Help fellow farmers in your area become free of fertilizer suppliers who are constantly raising prices. Sell them humus compost and watch their profits increase.
• Offer humus compost to golf courses, local parks and neighboring greenhouses. They save money and make a statement to the community about sustainability.
• Start putting humus compost into bags for retail sale
• Talk to the organic farmers and show them how to use humus compost you sell
• Give the nearest garden center a way to be special to its customers by providing humus compost for environmentally minded gardeners

Humus compost is a huge profit center for you. Even better, you will be helping your customers get better results, and increase their own bottom line. It just doesn’t get much better than that.

Download Free Report: 6 Ways to Make More Money off Your Farm

Topics: soil fertility, sustainable farming, fertilizer, humus compost